Once upon a time...
Created and developed in a small Norman village by lovers of the art of living and decoration, Saints Esprits draws its inspiration from different worlds in order to bring an original and multicultural note of spirit into the home.
For Saints Esprits, the candle is not just a decorative object, it is an art of living. A room fragrance becomes the olfactory signature of a place, and scented candles a gift that we like to give all year round. Because lighting a candle is no longer reserved for Christmas and the winter months, and enjoying a perfume is no longer just a practical use but a desire for well-being and a state of mind.
Discover a range of scents with evocative names designed to reflect the temperament of those who share our lives, and available in the form of indoor sprays and scented candles made entirely by hand in a small artisan workshop in the Pays d'Auge, mixing 100% natural vegetable wax and Grasse perfumes.